It can be a little confusing to keep up with the latest rules and regulations surrounding medical marijuanas in Victoria. After all, each state has a slightly different variation pertaining to the supply, prescribing, and rules associated with medicinal cannabis. Since the landmark decision to allow medical marijuanas in Victoria and all other states in Australia in 2016, there have been several key studies and debates that have sparked as a result.
However, as time has gone on and the use of medical marijuanas in Victoria and surrounding territories has increased year-on-year, there are thankfully fewer grey areas to be navigated. That being said, we understand that there can be some confusion surrounding the use and legality of medical marijuanas in Victoria, so we thought it would be smart to give a quick recap as to what is and isn’t in the world of medicinal cannabis.
Prescribing of Medical Marijuanas In Victoria
Since the legislative change that occurred in 2016, the number of telehealth websites and clinics that are able to prescribe medical marijuanas in Victoria has increased considerably. This is due to many factors, not the least of which is a jump forward in technology that has allowed accredited doctors to have secure discussions with patients remotely and discreetly.
Doctors are not able to prescribe medicinal cannabis straight away however as there are some approvals that still need to take place before this occurs. Approvals occur in conjunction with the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia as most iterations of the substance are still unapproved by the governing body.
Once approved, a doctor can then prescribe the medication if they are under the belief that the treatment is a viable alternative to traditional avenues.
Access Changes of 2021
Back in 2021, there were sweeping changes that truly shook things up for the cannabis industry across the country. The changes made to access pathways and the streamlining of approvals processes for prescribers of medical marijuanas in Victoria.
Under the changes, practitioners no longer needed individualised approval for each brand of medication that is being prescribed and instead the approval is for one of the 5 categories of treatment. This sweeping change lessened the administrative burden being felt by doctors and patients across the country, including those who are seeking medical marijuanas in Victoria.
The new categories are based on the level of CBD or THC present in them. Medications in Category 1 are considered ‘CBD Products’. Products in Category 2 are considered to be ‘CBD Dominant’. Category 3 is reserved for products that are ‘Balanced Medicinally’. Category 4 is comprised of medications that are ‘THC Dominant’. Finally, Category 5 is reserved for medications that are considered to be ‘THC Products’.
Growth Across The Board
There has been a reported increase in the number of users for medical marijuanas in Victoria and across the country – particularly in the last few years. The leading cause for prescription is pain management as well as mental health-related ailments such as anxiety and sleep disorders.
The growing number of legal patients and the growing number of accredited studies being conducted both here and abroad is a signifier of greater change being afoot in the consideration and understanding of medical marijuanas in Victoria. The substance itself still has many questions surrounding it, particularly in the efficacy it has on the prescribed reasons.
There’s still a long way to go for medical marijuanas in Victoria, but the progress made since the legislation change is a hopeful indicator of things to come for sufferers. We’ll keep you updated on all the latest news as we receive it.