If you’re wondering, “What do the pharmacy stores do with expired medicines?” you’re not alone. It’s important to be aware of how your pharmacy handles these products. The first thing to know is that expired drugs have different chemical compositions and potencies than the ones that are new. Some drugs may be sub-potent or may cause a patient’s infection to worsen. Expired medicines may also be more dangerous, leading to antibiotic resistance. Manufacturers don’t guarantee the safety of their products after they’ve expired. They should be thrown away.
In addition to avoiding contamination, expired medications have the potential to introduce dangerous elements into the environment. Moreover, improper disposal of pharmaceuticals can result in fines from numerous organizations. As a result, pharmacies must properly dispose of these medicines when they reach the end of their shelf life. To do this, they can send their unopened inventory to reverse distributors, or they can dispose of them through a licensed waste management company.
Some pharmacies offer drop-off boxes or mail-back programs for unneeded medicine. However, take note that these programs do not always cover your state. Regardless of the program in your state, you should check the packaging of your expired or unused medicine. Some states offer programs where you can donate unneeded medicines. For a safe disposal, take the unneeded medicine to a secure drop-off box. Many pharmacies have secure kiosks that can assist with this process.