Have you ever got curious about how smart you are? Ever thought of measuring your IQ? If you feel dumb about yourself, there are ways that you can cope with things that increase your knowledge in most of the niches.
You can take help from the apps, get more towards reading, observe why you failed, and learn from your mistakes.
Scientists have researched that playing memory games is one of the easiest ways to make yourself smarter.
We all feel like standing out among the group of our friends as the smartest kid. When someone asks for assistance with their studies, our inner selves are happy because they assume you know it all. Thus we feel smarter!
Be smart for YOU
Being smart and keeping yourself updated about current affairs and the latest news makes you stand out. You feel more confident and satisfied with yourself. When you feel good about yourself in terms of intelligence, there is an instant outer and inner glow.
The reason for this glow-up is that your mind is active, and it works regularly. The more you seek knowledge, the more your IQ level increase.
If you don’t use your brain, it won’t work. No one can deceive you once you realize what your choice should be between logic and emotion. You will never fall into the tricks of evil.
Following are the ways that can help you to become smarter:
1. Test yourself
Starting from the entry-level, check out this are you smarter than a 5th grader questions quiz? If you get all the answers correct, level up for grade 10. It is an easy way to find out where you stand in terms of intelligence.
Stop yourself when there are more than five answers wrong. Try to solve them and then move on to the next one. When you solve your own mistakes, you are most likely to remember the answers that you attempted wrong.
As mentioned earlier, learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat them.
2. Believe that you can do it
If you are working on yourself but somewhere in the back of your mind, you doubt yourself: if you will be able to do it or not, then it is of no use. You need to trust yourself on this one.
Try talking to yourself. Stand in front of the mirror and tell yourself about the achievements that you have received. The moment you make it a ‘me moment’. No one can ever take that from you.
You must have heard your teacher saying that students may pass by cheating on the exam, and that’s not fair to the students who study hard. But what they have in their brains can never be copied.
3. Exercising your brain
Daily reading keeps our minds healthy, just as exercise keeps our bodies in shape. We all know how beneficial reading is, but did you know that as you try to learn more, your brain gets better? You can expand your vocabulary by reading. Learning new words and phrases improves our capacity for thought.
Try to incorporate new words or phrases into your daily speech. It will ensure that you always remember what you learned. We advise you to note the words you learned and review them weekly. Give reading at least 30 minutes each day.
4. The company of right people
You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Having the right people in your life is crucial to your intelligence development. People around you will have a positive or negative impact on your behavior, thoughts, and ultimately your intelligence!
People who are driven, ambitious, lifelong learners, and open-minded are more likely to influence you. Therefore, look for the people in your life who push you to learn new things and inspire you to do so.
5. Do not make it difficult
A simple and quick way to increase one’s intelligence and well-roundedness is to learn something new every day. Make it a goal to learn just one new thing each day.
Whether you’re researching a new subject via Google, reading a new book, or conversing with someone. It could be as simple as researching the meaning of a word or as difficult as perfecting a recipe or learning about statistics or algebra with all of its bizarre formulas.