We all know that English has became in international language. Almost 100 nations have English as their official language. Also, the majority of literature be it books, news or anything is in English. So, it is very important to learn English.
By learning English, you are enabling yourself to study in foreign countries, communicate with the foreign people and eventually doing jobs in foreign countries. These all aspects are very important and are in favor of learning English.
Also, the majority media content is in English right now. Such as movies, TV series, Documentaries on Netflix and other streaming sites is in English. So, from the above uses it is evident that it is very important to teach our kids English.
So, are you ready to teach your kids English?
Use these ways to teach your kids English.
Before going forward, we would like to tell you that yes learning English is very important. But it is not mandatory or compulsory as some people think. You should never force your kids to learn it just because of social status as it has become a norm that literate and high-class people speak English.
Now, lets move forward to the ways to teach your kid English:
1. Teach them the basic grammar
Start by teaching your kid basic grammar like tell them what noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, interjection and conjunction are and how can we use them. You can use verbs beginning with R presented by Cocosteaparty to teach your kids about verbs.
2. Teach them sentence structure
After teaching them the basic grammar teach your kids about the sentence structure. By learning sentence structure, your child will be able to create a sentence from the basic grammar that he has learnt before.
3. Teach them tenses
After learning both basic grammar and sentence structure your kids are ready to move to tenses. Teach your kids about the use of tenses like where to use present, past and future tenses and how exactly to use them.
4. Make them read books
Buy them children’s novels and books and make them read those. Because book reading will definitely improve their English. They will get exposed to rich vocabulary and learn them. Otherwise, learning vocabulary on its own is a very difficult task.
5. Practice
The key to learning any new thing is practice. You should set a routine for your kids and ask them to practice the things they learnt from previous lessons.
By doing practice, kids will memorize the basic concepts and soon English will become their second language and they will not have to think a sentence before speaking it.
6. Mix English with your first language
As learning English is hard for people who don’t have it as their first language. What you should do is mix English with your first language to make it more comfortable on the tongue of kids. Also, by doing this you will be making English their second language.
7. Let them watch cartoons
Let your kids watch cartoon and animated movies in English. As kids like to watch cartoon it will make it very interesting for them to learn English. But keep an eye on them and also don’t let them watch these for prolonged times.
8. Play Games
Try playing crosswords and scrabble with you kids. Because these games are very fun and also your kids will learn spelling and a lot of new words through it.
9. Try rhymes and songs
Make your kids memorize rhymes, poems, and songs. As they will enjoy it by singing it. Also, there a lot of rhyme videos available on YouTube. You can make your kids watch them so that they can learn English through it.
Final thoughts
Teaching your kids English has become very important in these modern times. Because all the social media, the journals and many other things are in English. As kids are our future and the future language is English, we should make sure that our kids learn it from young age.
By learning it at a younger age it will be easy for them in the future as they will not be requiring additional courses to learn English. We hope that by now, you are ready to teach your kids English.