If you or a loved one worked in a job that had you been exposed to asbestos, you may find yourself dealing with the impact those years of working around asbestos have had on your health. Unfortunately, you may be suffering from mesothelioma, deadly cancer brought on by asbestos exposure. To hold those responsible accountable for their negligence, you’ll need to work with a mesothelioma lawyer who can help you with your case in numerous ways.
Which Type of Claim to File
One of the most important ways a lawyer can help you with your mesothelioma case is to help you determine which type of claim you should file. The common types of claims filed in mesothelioma cases are personal injury lawsuits, wrongful death lawsuits, and trust fund claims. A personal injury lawsuit will provide compensation to you directly if you are a mesothelioma patient. A wrongful death lawsuit would provide compensation to you and your family if your loved one died due to mesothelioma. Finally, a trust fund claim will provide compensation to both you as a patient and your loved ones.
Meeting the Statute of Limitations
No matter which type of claim you file regarding your mesothelioma case, you will need to do so within the statute of limitations set forth by your state. A personal injury lawsuit must be filed no later than three years after you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. A wrongful death lawsuit needs to be filed within three years of your loved one’s death from mesothelioma. Finally, a trust fund claim must be filed within three years of either a mesothelioma diagnosis or your loved one’s death due to mesothelioma. By working with an attorney, you can be sure they will help you meet crucial deadlines.
Gather Evidence
A skilled mesothelioma lawyer will know exactly how to go about gathering evidence for your case if you were exposed to asbestos at Foster Wheeler while employed at the facility. Unfortunately, the Foster Wheeler plant was found to have pipes, valves, and other components that were lined with asbestos, meaning you and countless other employees were exposed to this harmful substance during your workday. By examining company records and other data, your lawyer can build a strong case on your behalf.
Interview Key Individuals
If you are unable to testify on your behalf or have a loved one who is too ill to record testimony, your lawyer can locate key witnesses and conduct in-depth interviews that will help them gather important details about your case. In many mesothelioma cases, witness testimony is often the deciding factor. By giving your lawyer plenty of time to conduct a thorough investigation, you stand a much better chance of winning your case.
Negotiating a Settlement
Sadly, even when it is abundantly clear a company is guilty of exposing its workers to asbestos and causing numerous suffering due to mesothelioma, most companies and their insurers will do all they can to not pay compensation to workers or their families. If you hire an experienced mesothelioma lawyer to handle your case, they can gather evidence, build a case, and use their findings to put pressure on companies and insurers to reach a settlement.
This can tremendously benefit you and your family since it will allow your case to get resolved much quicker than if it progressed to a trial. Though they may initially resist, companies and insurers usually come around eventually since they are never eager to put their fate in the hands of a jury.
Protecting Your Rights
Finally, a lawyer who has extensive experience handling mesothelioma cases can make sure your legal rights are always protected from the moment you file your claim until your case is completed. It is not unusual for employers, insurance companies, or attorneys for employers to use pressure tactics and lie to victims and their families in an effort to deny compensation. By having a trusted lawyer on your side, your rights will always be protected.
If you or your loved one need help to file a mesothelioma claim, always work with a lawyer who knows how to win these complicated cases. By doing so, you can win your claim and gain substantial compensation.