The menstrual cycle is something every woman goes through every month after they reach puberty.
However, the experience of the menstrual cycle is not the same for every woman. Some experience mild indications before periods start, while other women experience the worst pain before the start of the actual cycle.
Surprisingly, most women confuse period cramps or premenstrual syndrome (PMS) with early pregnancy. This is why we have come forward with this piece of writing.
It talks about 5 striking comparisons between symptoms of PMS and pregnancy that will help you differentiate the two!
1. Light Vaginal Bleeding Occurs During Pregnancy; No Spotting or Bleeding Occurs During PMS!
One of the easiest ways of differentiating the two is by observing spotting or vaginal bleeding.
During PMS, you don’t see any blood spots until the onset of periods. After the period starts, you notice heavy bleeding for almost a week.
Contrary to that, light vaginal bleeding occurs after 10 to 15 days of conception. The spots are either dark brown or light pink. Note that this spotting lasts for a day or two and is not heavy enough to fill tampons or pads.
2. Trouble Sleeping is Common During PMS; Tiredness Prevails During the First Trimester
During PMS, women face trouble sleeping. However, the symptoms are not long-lasting or severe. They end once your period starts. Sleep quality can be improved by doing yoga or some physical exercise.
During the 1st trimester, women feel tired and exhausted even without doing any work. This is because of the high levels of progesterone. As compared to the symptoms of PMS, fatigue during pregnancy is moderate and last longer.
3. PMS Don’t Cause Morning Sickness; 95 Percent of Women Suffer From Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
Morning sickness is something little associated with PMS and more associated with pregnancy.
The majority of women suffer from nausea along with morning sickness. Interestingly, morning sickness has nothing to do with the morning. Pregnant women can experience it during any part of the day. Some women experience morning sickness throughout the pregnancy.
4. Abdominal Cramps are Light During Pregnancy; Cramps are Severe During PMS in Most Women
Pain that starts before the onset of the period is called dysmenorrhea. The pain is severe in most women and is usually in the back, hips, legs, or stomach. As the period starts, the pain vanishes. Most women consume products for PMS relief like menstrual relief cream, oral drops, PMS gummies and cramp roll-on. In case you want to try out vegan products for a better experience during your menstrual cycle, visit Holief site.
In comparison to PMS, abdominal cramps are light once you become pregnant and are usually limited to the stomach or abdomen.
5. Pica is Common During Pregnancy; It Never Occurs During PMS
Pica is an abnormal condition during which pregnant women crave non-edible items like dirt, ice, paint flakes, etc. It occurs in some women during pregnancy. However, it never occurs during PMS. During PMS, you crave high-carb items like sugars, chocolates, cookies, sweets, etc.
Final Thoughts
Women often confuse the symptoms of early pregnancy and PMS. Know that the symptoms might be correlated but are not the same. They have striking differences that need special attention. For boosting your knowledge about women’s well-being, contact us!